CREDITS for ROOM 001: The Birth of One Switch Games Many thanks: GAME: Jason Adams' Love Tester: GAME: Jason Adams' Rotary Merchandiser remake: YouTube gaming videos: 1. 103 year old Eveready Daylo flashlight/torch. 2-4. Love Tester videos 5-6. Rotary Merchandiser 7. Laughing Sailor 8. Hawtin Clutghing Hands Coin op Crane / Automaton 1938 9. Disposition Tester by Exhibit Supply (1940s) 10-12. Zenith Porthole TVs / Flash-matic Zenith Television (1955) 11-14 Jamiesons Rotolite, ElectroDart, Rotofruit 15-19 Various one-button arcade games, including Jamiesons Skittles Machine 20- Various one-button toys including Radicon toys. YouTube Music / Mood videos: 1. Geiger Counter / Radioactivity - Kraftwerk 2. Electricity - OMD 3. Inspector Morse Theme 4. Let 'Em In - Wings 5. Florence Is Deaf (But There's No Need to Shout) - Toy Dolls 6. Film - Sputnik 1 "Beep" - 1957 7. Windpower - Thomas Dolby Spotify music: 1-7. As YouTube Music excluding Sputnik beep