£300 (plus postage)
£260 16-switch version
Use accessibility switches galore on a Sony PS5 with the 19-switch Dualsense interface. Includes a fully functioning Dualsense gamepad (you can request the colour).
Please feel free to e-mail for further information and for ordering details.
D-pad, Shapes, L1,L2,L3,R1,R2,R3 and left-stick UP on the top. At the front, CREATE, Touch-click and Options.
Hard-wired to right-side.
~70cm cable. Longer or shorter can be requested.
Box is 15cm x 9cm x 2.5cm. Fitted with hook Velcro underside.
Use with almost any 3.5mm accessibility switch (not supplied) on the Sony Playstation 5.
Can be used with team-play on a PS5 alongside another Dualsense or Sony Access Controller.
Can be used with a OneSwitch Latchbox to latch any switch ON/OFF.
N.B. No accessibility switches are provided with this as standard. Apologies for the high-cost, but these are time-consuming to build.
Trabasack Curve Connect is available from Trabasack.
See a review at SpecialEffect's Game Access site.