Library: Instructions

Library Instructions
Some of the instructions for OneSwitch shop items from past and present.
GCM100 Playstation - Xbox - Nintendo
GCM XAC Playstation - Xbox - Nintendo
1D Pong
Gakken World Eye
Latest Shop blog posts
NERF Thunderstorm
Instructions for NERF Thunderstorm.
Instructions for Blo-Bot and Robot Butler.
R2-D2 Robot
Instructions for the R2-D2 robot.
Instructions for Hitari Tumbler radio controlled car, adapted for switch use.
Playstation PC interface
Instructions and ideas for the 2001 adapted Namco Arcade Stick Playstation/PC switch interface.
Number Generator
Instructions for the BBC Micro "Thurrock Care Switch Programmes" set-up.
Virtual Betting System
Use with on-line virtual Greyhound Racing, or adapt your own for other fun bets such as Virtual Duck Races!
More instructions pending.